We moved to Seattle in February 2008 and shared blog posts and photos during our first few years in Seattle.
- Troy & Lesley H
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Went to Sounders game today
Posted by Troy at 9:00 PM
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hiked Little Si again
Posted by Lesley at 9:15 PM
The main reason we did Little Si today was so that we could make sure we could handle hiking Mount Si next Friday, since we have the day off for the 4th of July. We also wanted to try out our new hiking poles we bought last week. They weren't much help on the way up, but on the way down they helped keep us more steady, especially while navigating rocky areas.
So, we plan on hiking Mount Si next Friday. It'll be a tough hike, with an elevation climb of like 3,500 feet. But I've heard at the top there are great views of Seattle and Mount Rainier, so hopefully it will be worth all the work.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Seattle Neighborhoods: Capitol Hill
Posted by Troy at 8:00 PM
We spent time there last Saturday, starting with brunch of french toast and eggs benedict at Table 219, across from our favorite bagel place. We walked around the neighborhood and were impressed by all of the old church buildings that we discovered dotting the neighborhood. We stopped and picked up some tea at Remedy Teas, which has 150 types of organic tea. Then we walked along Broadway, the main thoroughfare, and ran into a couple friends from church on our way to Volunteer Park. Though the day started off cool and breezy, the sun had come out and Lesley and I enjoyed relaxing in the shade. After that, we walked through Lakeview Cemetery, where Bruce Lee is buried. Then we headed back south and walked along Millionaire's Row, which is lined with large homes from the early 20th century. We stopped briefly at Cal Anderson park, which was full of people. Then, we got some crepes at Saley and headed home.
Capitol Hill is close to downtown, very walkable, and always interesting. It's my favorite neighborhood in the city and I would love to live there.
Quick Capitol Hill facts:
- Population: 30,409
- Population density per square mile: 18,121
- 2008 Median Home Price: $352,000
- 2008 Median Condo Sales Price: $315,000
- Cars per capita: 0.4
- 12th most walkable neighborhood in Seattle (the parts of Capitol Hill that we visit are some of the most walkable in the city, but it's a large neighborhood with a lot of area that is just residential)
1. Seattle Metropolitan Real Estate
2. Walk Score: Seattle's Most Walkable Neighborhoods
Monday, June 22, 2009
Two snow leopard cubs born at Woodland Park
Posted by Lesley at 4:00 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Longest Day of the Year
Posted by Troy at 10:02 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sassy cat
Posted by Lesley at 10:00 AM
Yesterday, I had sort of a scare with Sassy, my cat I grew up with since like 1996. I called mom around lunchtime yesterday since she had called me earlier in the morning (but I didn't answer), and she told me that her and dad were taking Sassy to the vet because she's been licking this rather grotesque bulge on her right arm and it's turned pretty red recently and looked like it might bleed soon.
Anyway, she wasn't sure what was wrong with her and she hasn't been eating as much lately either. She said they might have to put her down if it was going to be too expensive to do surgery.
So they took her to the vet and when I got out of work at 4, she called and said that it's a tumor on her right arm and that they're going to do surgery next week to remove it! So she's going to be ok! And that nasty bulge will finally be gone. And the vet said that she's about 8 pounds, and still very healthy for a cat her age, which is probably about 15 years.
I was so relieved when they said she'd be ok. Now we get to have her for at least a couple more years.
Here's a video I took of her last time I was there:
Friday, June 19, 2009
Dry spell ends, rain is back!
Posted by Troy at 5:08 PM
After a record-tying 29-day dry spell at Sea-Tac airport, today began with rain. I know Seattle has a reputation for constant rain, but it's not really like that. Even though it hadn't rained in quite a while, I didn't notice that much had turned brown, the ample trees, bushes, and flowers still looked lush to me. Still, while I enjoyed the sun, I like the rain as well and was glad to see cloudy skies and drizzle today on my way to work.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Haven't been eating fast food as much
Posted by Troy at 7:29 PM
It seemed that our napkin collection began to dwindle when we moved here and it ran out not too long after that. Since then, we've relied almost exclusively on our package of store-bought napkins (the first package of napkins Lesley bought after moving out of her parents' house). We've definitely eaten out less since moving here, but that's probably more due to having few fast food and even fewer fast casual restaurants nearby, than to any type of conscious decision. Not only are there fewer of those places nearby, but some of our old favorites don't even exist up here. Not having those places around isn't much of a big deal, it just means we'll have to buy some more napkins sometime soon.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Q: Where is REI?
Posted by Troy at 4:00 PM
A: 222 Yale Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109 (see icon below):
We live close to REI, the outdoor gear store, and on a few occasions other pedestrians have asked us where REI is. It's a big building, but it doesn't have a big sign on it. And, since the streets are in a pretty consistent grid pattern, the surroundings offer no apparent guidance to the store. It's nice to be able to offer directions to somewhere we know how to get to. I'm sure REI would benefit by placing some directional signs in the area, but until then, I'll be happy to provide directions to whoever needs it, either in person or from the map above.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Light rail testing
Posted by Troy at 4:00 PM
Friday, June 12, 2009
License plates in Seattle
Posted by Lesley at 8:00 AM
Our friend in Texas challenged us to a license plate game. Whoever gets to see all 50 states first wins. The rules are that you cannot go out of your way and make trips simply to see new license plates. It must be seen on your normal day to day routine. Also, U-haul vehicles, semis, and anything like that don't count. So, for the past month, we've been keeping track of the date we saw each new plate, the make and model of car, the color, and where we saw it.
The first few days we were playing were insane. It only took us 3 days to see 22 different plates, including Hawaii (16th state we saw). It's now been a month and we've seen 48 states (we're on pace to win). The only ones we need are Delaware and Kentucky. We were shocked to see Rhode Island this past weekend.
I had no idea that so many people drove to visit here or move here. In downtown alone on any given day, we usually see at least 5 different states other than Washington. The most common are Oregon, California, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, and Texas or Illinois. We see a lot of British Columbia plates too, probably as much as we see Oregon.
Here's a map showing when we saw a plate from each state:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Crane in the way
Posted by Lesley at 8:00 AM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Enjoy having Whole Foods nearby
Posted by Troy at 4:00 PM

picture by Life As Art on Flickr.
They have a quality selection of fruits and vegetables, and many types of international cheeses, all of which can be hard to resist. Sometimes we like to stop in and pick up fresh bread to have with dinner. Since they carry a premium selection of foods, including many natural and organic brands, it's different to shop there than shopping at a conventional grocery store. I like to see the different foods they have there and look for new things that I might want to try. Every time I stop in, it feels like a treat, especially since it's not far away.
While I still think I'd like to live closer to our regular grocery store, I'm glad to have Whole Foods nearby.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Short trip to Texas next month
Posted by Lesley at 8:00 AM
I don't think we've mentioned this on the blog, but we're making a short trip (about 2.5 days) to Fort Worth the weekend of July 11th for my sister's wedding. We'll be leaving Seattle Thursday night and staying through Sunday afternoon. We weren't planning on going back this summer, but when my sister scheduled her wedding for July, we decided to change our plans.
It'll be a really busy weekend, since I'm the matron of honor and Troy is the only usher. We'll have to go to the rehearsal, the dinner, arrive early before the wedding for pictures, and then of course, the wedding, and reception, among other things. It'll be crazy! I've already gotten my dress altered and pressed and I've also bought my shoes. Troy has his suit, tie, and shoes ready to go. Hopefully our stuff won't get wrinkled on the plane. I think there are places for the flight attendants to hang clothes like that, so that should work out.
It'll be nice to be there for my sister and see the rest of the family at the wedding. I just wish it wasn't going to be a 100 degrees! Hopefully we don't melt during the short time we're there.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Hike to Snoqualmie Falls viewpoint
Posted by Troy at 4:00 PM
View Preston-Snoqualmie Rail-Trail in a larger map
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Hike near Mailbox Peak
Posted by Troy at 4:49 PM
View Mailbox Peak trailhead in a larger map
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Space Needle lit up by Microsoft
Posted by Troy at 5:10 PM
The Space Needle was lit up orange-ish the last two nights along with a vertical beam of light. We didn't know why, but found out that Microsoft did this as part of their marketing campaign to announce their new search engine, Bing.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Heat Advisory in Effect!
Posted by Troy at 5:24 PM
Sarcasm aside, the temperatures are close to record-breaking, and since a lot of people don't have air conditioning, I can see how a heat advisory might be necessary. Still, we've managed to keep our apartment around 80°F without air conditioning and the heat outside is much more comfortable than the 100°F summers I lived with for most of my life.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
New weather radar proposed
Posted by Lesley at 4:00 PM
I thought this article from the Seattle times about a proposed weather radar station was interesting. The current radars are located in Portland and on Camano Island, but the Olympic and Oregon coast mountain ranges prevent those radar stations from seeing incoming storms. Severe weather forecasting would be much improved with an additional radar on the Washington coast, according to this excerpt:
Much of the weather service's change of heart can be traced to several major storms that battered the region over the past several years, Cliff Mass (UW meteorologist) believes. The worst hit in early December 2007, with hurricane-force winds on the coast and drenching rains and floods in Southwest Washington that killed several people and shut down Interstate 5 for days. A coastal radar could have provided some advance warning for areas hit hardest by heavy rainfall, Mass said.The National Weather Service is finally seeing the importance of a new coastal radar and has asked for $7 million in the 2010 US budget. I'm surprised it's taken so long to gain this much support for what seems like a much-needed additional radar. I always thought it was strange that the radar images weren't that great when checking them for storms.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Franz bread is so good
Posted by Lesley at 8:00 AM

Franz Milk & Honey Bread
We used to eat Mrs. Baird's bread when we lived in Texas, but they don't have that in Seattle. So we've tried several kinds of bread here, including the generic Safeway and QFC brands, neither of which stay fresh for very long and don't taste that great. Then we decided to try a local brand, Franz. We won't be going back to any other kind of bread, because the Franz bread we've had has been so delicious! We've tried the potato bread and the milk and honey bread and both are really soft and moist and stay fresh longer. They're smaller loaves than the generic brands, but it's definitely worth the extra few cents. And lately we've found it on sale for $2 a loaf! I'd have to say that Franz bread is better than Mrs. Baird's.