Since I posted about the 5 days of rainy weather in the forecast, we've had hardly any rain. So, I got all upset about the weather when the forecast was very inaccurate.
The day I posted, Friday, actually did have quite a bit of rain - over half an inch. But, since then, we've just had mostly cloudy skies without much rain. The weekend started with some fog, and there was a total of .12 inches of rain, which must have fallen overnight because I don't remember it. Then, yesterday and today there wasn't any rain (although it's raining some this evening).
It's interesting how the forecast so strongly predicted rain and we had hardly any, but it's not uncommon for the forecast to be wrong. The weather here is somewhat complicated and meteorology just isn't as much of an exact science as it tends to be in other parts of the country.
Or, maybe it's that during the winter, meteorologists join in with other Seattleites who like to perpetuate the kinds of myths that keep too many people from moving here. All that rain seems like a good way to deter too many prospective residents from taking over the city. But I think I'd rather just have an accurate forecast.
We moved to Seattle in February 2008 and shared blog posts and photos during our first few years in Seattle.
- Troy & Lesley H
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The weather forecast was wrong
Posted by Troy at 7:00 AM
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Maybe there were indeed scattered showers, just not over your particular area of the city.
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